Power Brunch Recap
I kicked off the event with one goal in mind ‘I don’t want anyone in here to leave the same way they came in”.
Assignment given and clearly understood honey because that is exactly what took place Sunday!
I’m still flying high off of the amazing-ness that transpired Sunday at the kick off of the Power Brunch and the screening of Project Thats Power! A safe space was created as we watched everyday women bare their souls and speak their truth on camera creating a normalcy that we all have a story, we’ve all been hurt and or had trauma happen to us etc.With that in mind we embrace the notion that there is POWER in choosing not to allow those negative things to dictate how our life goes. There were women left and right who identified with the theme of the brunch they were encouraged and uplifted while hearing not only the transparent convo but the testimonies of the women who attended the event as they shared their POWERful story. We laughed, we cried and made a promise to ourselves that going forth we will do the work of healing, practicing self love, forgiving ourselves of our past, allowing grace to activate while we are being human and knowing that not being ok, is ok also!
As we concluded we were empowered by the understanding that we are not alone in our journeys and that it’s ok to admit where you are and rejoice during your progress. We had an amazing time healing, reflecting and rejoicing in the arms of sisterhood. At the end of the event I gave them this letter in hopes that reading it will remind them to never stop accessing your POWER!
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We are more than a lipstick brand- we are a movement for women that are in need of assistance prioritizing self, their mental health and their POWER. Check out our blog post of the week where we break down
" How Therapy Helps You Find Your Power!"
Since therapy (also known as counseling) is a rather misunderstood concept, the suggestion that you see a counselor can be scary. You may perceive getting therapy to mean that there's something wrong with you. This isn't the case! While it may not be for everyone, counseling can be beneficial to most people at challenging points in their lives. Although it's important to recognize that therapy is not a panacea, it makes a difference every day in thousands of lives across the world. If you find that you have uncomfortable feelings or "stuck" places in your life, you may very well benefit from this practice.
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